Table of Contents
Invest in Hira Tradings Company the Investment Process is very simple. First, make sure you have registered with the Hira Tradings Company and have access to your account. The first step is to log in with credentials. Once you log in, Click a “Diamond Shape” Circular Button in the navigation bar at the bottom of the home screen. A new screen will appear where you can see all the plans from (Hira – 01 to Hira – 16). Then Select your plan and press the invest button, it will navigate you to another screen as you can see below.
Best Payment Method to Invest in Hira Tradings Company

How to Deposit in Hira Tradings Company
In this screen, you can select your preferred payment options like (JazzCash or Easypaisa) or any other method.

Step-by-Step Guide How to Safely Deposit In Hira Tradings Company
Deposit in Hira Tradings Company is very easy and simple, here is a step-by-step guide about Deposit in Hira Tradings Company.
After selecting your preferred payment option, It will navigate you to the below mentioned screeen. where you can see the Hira Tradings Company Agent accounts details. you just need to copy the mobile number of the the agent. and send the amount to their account. after that put the “Transaction ID” and the deposit slip attached the below field(Upload Screenshot). and then conform all the details and press the Deposit Now Button. Check Below Step-by-Guide for more details.
here you have to follow the steps :
Step 1. Click the copy icon on the right side of the Phone number as shown in the below screenshot.Copy the number as showing in below screen short.

Step-by-Step Guide How to Deposit in Hira Tradings Company with Easy Paisa
Here is the complete guide how to Deposit in Hira Tradings Company with easy paisa app. first open your easy paisa mobile app and then click on “Send Money”, after that enter the Hira Tradings Company agent Mobile number and click Select. Then check the details of the agent are same, Transfer the amount and save the deposit slip in your gallary. Follow below steps for more details.
Step 2. then go to your easy paisa or any other payment application. enter the mobile number and press the select option.

Step 3. Please check the detaisl of the Hira Tradings Company agent such as (Name and Mobile No), which match the details in the Hira Tradings Company. After that enter the amount you want to invest in Hira Tradings Company. as shown in below screen short, and click Next and follow the next step.

Step 4. Befor sending the amount please check the accout details. if the account details are same then press SEND NOW Button as shown belows screen shot.

Step 5. If any error occurred, please try again. If no error occurred during the process and the transaction is successfully done. Press the View Receipt option. It will show a new screen like below, then follow the next step.

Step 6. After pressing the “View Reciept“, it show another screen where you can find the Transaction ID and also save the Deposit Slip as shown below.To save the slip click on “Save to Gallary” Option to save the Deposit Slip.

Step 7. After the completion of the Trasaction, Open the Hira Tradings Company app/website and fill all the details, Like
Total invest amount, Transaction ID(from deposit slip), and attach the deposit slip pic from gallery and then press the “Deposit Now” Button.

Step 8. After that your investment is in pending Status (as shown below). You have to wait for a few minutes for approvel. after the approvel (Congurtulations) you will get your daily profit and referal commision also. You can withdraw your Daily Proift any time.

Share and Get Commision With out investment. Take a picture / scan of the QR Code and share with your friends and relatives and Get a more Commision.